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the lier goerns the body’s sinews
肝主身之筋膜  detail>>
the lier goerns ascent and dispersion
肝主升发  detail>>
the lier goerns free coursing
肝主疏泄  detail>>
肌肉 舰艇整体电子作战系统  detail>>
 n.  躺卧者。  detail>>
de lier
德利尔  detail>>
holte lier
情定大饭店 天使禁爱区  detail>>
lier constraint
肝郁  detail>>
lier support
清毒喷剂  detail>>
su lier
供给者 供货人 供货商 供应商  detail>>
money is the sinews of war
无钱莫打仗  detail>>
strengthen sinews and bones
坚筋骨  detail>>
the lung goerns descent
肺主肃降  detail>>
the lung goerns diffusion
肺主宣发  detail>>
the lung goerns the moement of water
肺主行水  detail>>
the spleen goerns ascent of the clear
脾主升清  detail>>
ascendant hyperactiity of lier yang
肝阳上亢  detail>>
binding constraint of lier qi
肝气郁结  detail>>